Dog racing is the best free app that gives you all the latest news, information and rumors about the sport of dog racing.
Our app is perfect to find out all the information, data and results about all the daily dog races from all over the world. This includes, which dogs are running, previous dog information. The app acts like a media channel, as it provides you with all the videos and podcasts around when they are uploaded by our quality news sources through their RSS feeds, so that information gets to you as soon as possible.
We are the home of the sport of dog racing. There is no better way to get your hands on the most up to date racing data, rumors and results. Our articles cover all the information that you need to know, not only about the dogs, but also the trainers and breed information.
We cover information from racing in the UK, Ireland, USA, Australia and the rest of the world. You will have a great experience with our app, you will want to tell your friends all about it, so they can share in your lucky streak.
Dog racing news will act like a winner's guide to dog racing, it will help you keep on top of all the handicap information.
✮✮✮✮ FEATURES ✮✮✮✮
✮ News
✮ Podcasts
✮ Videos
✮ Race results
✮ Training tips
✮ Bloodline information
✮ Race calendar
✮ Race line ups
✮ Auto notifications of new information
We cover all the major and minor events.
✮✮✮✮ MORE COMING ✮✮✮✮
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